-27%holzig orientalisch

Guerlain L’Homme Ideal Eau de Parfum

69,00 101,00 

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Guerlain Lhomme Ideal Eau De Parfum TrsThe ideal man is a myth.

But with L’Homme Idéal Eau de Parfum, Guerlain has made his fragrance a reality.
The ideal Eau de Parfum? One that blends captivating almond with a seductive warm
vanilla tincture and mysterious leather. A woody oriental combining three ingredients
and three accords to boost your powers of seduction and awaken the ideal lover within you.
The ideal bottle? Masculine, luxurious and elegant. A square, faceted bottle with clean lines
and unique taupe sides in a lacquered matte finish that would highlight the intensity of
the fragrance. A bright– yet seductive– orange label. A heavy and decidedly masculine cap
with gulloché detail borrowed from the world of watch-making.